Tuesday, February 13, 2018


So this is a new thing for me...being this open. But here it goes.

I have started seeing a new doctor. Doctor K. She's a naturopath. She believes that our bodies can heal themselves naturally with the aid of diet and supplements. She also claims to be able to see people's energy and "read" them in a way. A bit woo-woo, huh? I've felt run down, grouchy, foggy headed and just plain SAD for a long time now. The sadness was obviously compounded by the unexpected loss of my very best friend two months ago.

B wasn't just my best friend. She was, in a way, my soulmate. We were closer than any friends could ever be. She could know exactly what I was thinking before I ever said it. She never judged anything I said-even when it was ugly. Her death has absolutely gutted me. I find it hard to breathe sometimes. I literally cannot wrap my mind around the fact that she is gone. Forever. I'll never see her again. We'll never go on vacation together, we won't see our kids grow up together. We had plans, dammit. We were supposed to be the old ladies in the nursing home that fight and pick at each other all day long. I wasn't done with her.

All these feelings have really shaken my core. I've felt hopelessness, despair, emptiness..and I've just been fucking angry. Angry at her that she didn't take care of herself, angry at the doctors for missing the signs that something big was going on, angry at myself for not doing more and angry at God for letting her 4 beautiful babies be without their mama.

But I know I can't live like this. I can't continue to be a shell of myself. I have to be the wife, mother, daughter, sister, and aunt that the people in my life deserve. And I deserve it. I deserve to wake up in the morning without joint pain or headaches. To have the energy to DO things with my children-to have fun with them and ENJOY them. To set the example of a healthy life for them.

So I'm doing it. I went to Dr K this weekend and she ran an A/O test. Again. A bit woo-woo? A/O Demo Areas of concern were my allergies, thyroid, liver, pancreas, the area of my chest which holds grief and the virus Epstein-Barr and the virus which causes shingles. Dr K advised me to go off of dairy and eggs and to limit my meat consumption. She gave me the supplements Zinc, Selenium, L-Lysine, Omega 3, Eyebright, Lemon Balm and Orgono G5.

I started the supplements on Saturday night, February 10 and began the diet changes February 11.

Sunday's breakfast was a banana, wild blueberry, strawberry and coconut smoothie bowl.

Sunday night, I did eat a small amount of cheese in some mashed potatoes and within an hour my joints began to hurt.

Monday was a little better:
A banana, pineapple, mango, papaya, coconut smoothie bowl.

Lunch was a salad with red cabbage, mushrooms, snow peas, carrots, cilantro, green onions, basil, peanuts and a cilantro lime dressing.

Today is Tuesday. I ran out of time to sit down for a smoothie bowl for breakfast so I took it to go.

I've felt a difference today. I don't hurt. I feel like I have more energy, a clearer head, am in a better mood and have a more positive outlook on things. 

Maybe this Dr. Woo-Woo know's what she's doing....

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So this is a new thing for me...being this open. But here it goes. I have started seeing a new doctor. Doctor K. She's a naturopath. S...